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Defending Your Ideas - Intellectual Property Litigation In Texarkana And East Texas

While battles over intellectual property might seem like the purview of distant metropolises like silicon valley or New York, the truth is East Texas actually draws a larger-than-average share. Legal conflicts over copyrights, trademarks, and patents occur nearly every day in East Texas, including Texarkana, where Intellectual property attorney Peter Corcoran is on the frontline of the fight.

What Is Intellectual Property Litigation?

While we often think about the law as protecting individual or corporate property, such as our land or homes, this protection extends to certain well-defined ideas as well. Protecting such ideas is the domain of Intellectual Property Law, whose importance has only continued to rise over the decades and centuries of mechanization and now digitalization.

It is a complex field of law in which the major three focuses are patent, copyright, and trademark litigation.

  • Patent Law protects those who have invented or devised a unique process, mechanism, or tool; it prevents others from profiting off their invention or idea without paying them.
  • Copyright Law protects artistic, creative, or other unique content, making sure it cannot be used by anyone and everyone.
  • Trademark Law protects brand names and logos which individuals or companies have worked hard to give specific meaning to so that others cannot benefit from their efforts.

While all three are important and are regularly called on by Texarkana businesses and individuals to demand or defend their rights, Patent litigation in particular has emerged as an East Texas specialty in the last two decades.

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Texarkana And East Texas Are A Hub For Intellectual Property Patent Litigation

Trademark Attorney While there might not seem to be much to distinguish Texarkana and its East Texas neighbors like Marshall or even Tyler from the rest of Texas or Arkansas, these cities have become a major hub of intellectual property litigation, especially patent disputes. Certain rumors (and distant big-city condescending patent attorneys) might argue that cases are drawn here due to a perception that the demographics of our juries, or their views on property and patents, make it a great place to try and demand your patent rights be respected. The truth, however, is more complex, and not nearly so insulting. Researchers have demonstrated that while plaintiffs do favor the region, it is not because they are any more likely to win in trial. Instead, it is because the conditions and rules judges have imposed lead to faster treatment of cases and a lower likelihood of summary judgments. It has also led to an influx of out-of-town patent litigation attorneys, which certainly hasn’t hurt the local economy.

Why Choose A Local Texarkana Patent, Copyright, Or Trademark Attorney?

While some of these confrontations happen between big-name corporations from across the country, both they and any residents who need patent or other intellectual property litigation would be better off hiring local attorneys, like Texarkana’s own Corcoran IP Law PLLC to represent them. Having a local intellectual property attorney on your side could make all the difference. Especially considering that cases can be worth millions. More importantly, though perhaps, intellectual property litigation often represents either the defense of your rights over what you might have worked years to establish; or of your company or business’s ability to continue operating. A local patent, copyright, or trademark attorney will always have a leg up over the competition. Not only will they be able to keep your costs down (no need to fly teams in, foot hotel bills, etc) but also they have a greater familiarity with the judges and court staff. Lawyers like Peter Corcoran who have not only worked in east texas IP law for decades, but also clerked for former east texas judges, are the ideal choice for anyone who wants the best possible offense, or defense, on their side.
Call For A Consultation | (903) 945-6808

Corcoran IP Law, PLLC, At The Heart Of Texarkana Intellectual Property Litigation

Patent Attorney It is perhaps no surprise then that after years of working first in engineering and then in intellectual property law, Peter Corcoran chose to set up his law firm, specializing amongst other essential legal services, in patent cases, deep in East Texas’ Texarkana. With both insider knowledge of the court systems, and of the worlds of electrical and engineering minutiae, he makes a compelling attorney profile for companies battling over high-stakes patents, copyright, or trademarks. But he has not forgotten his roots, nor the importance of these fights for Texarkana and other east Texas residents. His law firm, Corcoran IP Law, PLLC, also serves plaintiffs from the local community and beyond, with options such as contingency or hybrid payments to help them be able to afford to fight for their intellectual property rights.
Call For A Consultation | (903) 945-6808